Friday, August 3, 2007

12 Steps to Achieving Your Dreams

Welcome back,

When was the last time you wanted to make some progress on the goals you say you want, but they always seem to take the back burner?

Well I have gotten into action and the funny thing is, the Universe is responding. Coaches and mentors are coming out of the woodworks. My book has momentum and I am becoming an expert in arenas I didn't even realize I had talent.

I am becoming a marketing mastermind in an incredible course led by Jay Abraham. I have learned critical principles about my wealth blueprint from T. Harv Eker. I am playing The Game with Sarano Kelley, successfully setting goals and reaching them in less than 90 days! I am learning to do "12 things 4000 times instead of 4000 things 1 time" with the teachings and principles outlined in Chet Holmes' book "The Ultimate Sales Machine". My wealth and productivity have tripled in the Rubicon Results Institute's "Rubicon Wealth course for Moms". And I am expanding my network and presence in the personal growth community acting on the Board of Advisors for

Needless to say, I am soaring and discovering and expanding at an incredibly efficient and effective velocity and I want to share it all with you.

I attribute this momentum to my study and practice of FOCUS!

Being the person who causes wonder in the eyes of all my friends and family at how much I am able to accomplish in the time I do has served me until now, but has taxed my energy and creativity greatly and I finally decided... THIS HAS TO STOP!

Well stopping one habit to create a new one sounds easy enough to do, right?... Not so much! I invite you to go out and try it. Not as easy as I thought until... I have been practicing the principles of 21 days to making a new habit and voila! The momentum has begun. So if you want a crash course follow the steps below and see what you can inspire in your next 21 days, and don't forget to share!

12 Steps to Achieving Your Dreams

Step 1 - Choose to FOCUS!
Step 2 - Pick one goal or result you wish to reach in 21 days. (Something you say you want but that you have never really done what it takes to get.) If it is general like I want to own my own business... FOCUS...what is the first step? What are you passionate about? What kind of business? Narrow it down to one specific first step towards building your empire.
Step 3 - Write down your one liner about what you are offering.
Step 4 - Who is your audience, market, client, consumer?
You have 3 minutes to do step 5-7...GO!
Step 5 - Make a list of your personal gifts (talents)
Step 6 - Make a list of your challenges, magic wand challenges (what you think is impossible that you would need a magic wand to accomplish)
Step 7 - Make a list of your personal skill areas
Step 8 - Looking at your list of challenges cross out any that involve needing other people (this is temporary but important to train yourself to TRUST that you can rely on yourself.
Step 9 - Make a list of people that support you in your life
Step 10 - Pick one specific and measurable goal that you can do using your skills and gifts (see list you made from step 5 and 7) by Friday.
(Example of specific and measurable: I want to get into shape. To do so I need to workout and eat healthy. Specifically I will do cardio 3 times a week for 30 minutes, I will drink 3 bottles of water a day and I will eat fish three times a week. Each one of those actions are specific and measurable. You can measure when they are complete.
Step 11 - Pick one person from your list (step 9) to invite to be your accountability partner. Whomever agrees to this important invitation will be speaking to you daily. Each day, you will report on a specific action that you will take that day to reach your Friday goal.
Step 12 - Repeat steps 1-11 weekly until you have accomplished your goal.

Try it! Have Fun! En-Joy! And, most importantly, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!

Have a Question... Coach Mo, the dream achiever expert wants to hear it!

Coach Mo

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Going For It!

Have you ever wondered what you need to do to have a life you love. Do you ask yourself incessant questions about why things are the way they are or how things got to be the way they are? Join the club. I was so consumed by finding the answers to everything I lost sight of the power of the question.

This blog is a journey unto itself. It opens the door to passion and creativity and alleviates the delusion of the words "I can't", and "I don't know how".

SO welcome and feel free to answer or ask anything and everything to create something!

With love, inspiration, passion and blessings,